Lăsați-ne să ne ocupăm de asta
Concentrați-vă pe ceea ce este important pentru dumneavoastră în timp ce noi ne ocupăm de restul
Focalizați-vă asupra nevoilor dumneavoastră de fotogrametrie, modelare 3D și arhitectură
Stabilim discuții cu clienții și stabilim cerințele și obiectivele proiectului.
We use 360 panoramic cameras to create detailed Street Maps and to capture comprehensive imagery of buildings, ensuring broad coverage and a complete perspective of urban environments.
We transform the collected data into captivating urban and building virtual tours, providing valuable support for engineers, architects, and urban planners.
We create customized virtual design solutions that cater to the unique requirements of your projects, offering a tailored approach that supports engineers, architects, and urban planners in their work
We deliver immersive urban and architectural virtual tours, leveraging Lidar scanning technology to provide comprehensive support for engineering, architectural, and urban planning applications